Opening the black box of scaling in digitalized firms towards a scaling process framework.

After three years of effort, we are delighted that our research into how digitalized start-ups transform as they scale has been published by Technology Forecasting & Social Change journal!
The full article is available in Technology Forecasting & Social Change vol 202, May 2024. Download the full article here
The authors are extremely grateful to the anonymous reviewers and special issue editors for their constructive feedback. Special thanks to all colleagues involved for their invaluable comments and support of the process.
The authors would also like to profoundly thank all the anonymous founders and experts who generously contributed to this work, including but not limited to the following;
Aliza Knox,
Anna Hüttl (Next Mannheim),
Baris Istipliler (University of Mannheim),
David Gowdey (Jungle Investments),
Emmanuel Cassimatis (SAP),
Hans de Back (Finch Capital),
Inge-Marit Nölle (Innowerf),
Jan-Philipp Ahrens (University of Mannheim),
Jo Bakker (Retail Tech Investments),
Joseph Mula,
Markus Jakobi (Antler),
Michael Smith Jnr. (Microsoft),
Moritz Luck (Silver Scale Capital),
Nicole Rieveley,
Patrick Grove (Catcha Group),
Paul Greenberg (NORA),
Pierre de Villacourt (ICM Limited),
Radinck van Vollenhoven,
Rob Antulov (Jacanda Capital),
Ron Spector,
Soodeh Faroukhi,
Tony Surtees,
Dr. Victoria Woo,
Vidya Munde-Mueller
We would also like to acknowledge the game-changing research and focus of the following organizations who shine their light on Scaling and Scale-ups and help support future generations of founders and firms to grow and scale.
Nicole Coviello and Lazaridis School of Business & Economics at Wilfrid Laurier University
Faculty at the ifm at the University of Mannheim
Leonardo Fuligni and the team at Erasmus Centre for Entrepreneurship Research
Verne Harnish, author and expert and all the coaches at Scaling Up
About the Authors
Claire Mula is an entrepreneur, Scaling Up coach and Industry Fellow with the TD School, University of Technology Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Nora Zybura, and Thomas Hipp are both from the University of Mannheim, Germany.
The full article is available in Technology Forecasting & Social Change vol 202, May 2024. Download the full article here